Go Greek…for Life!
As alumnae of National Panhellenic Conference organizations, we’re delighted you are thinking about taking part in recruitment and joining a sorority! SCCAP strives to assist all potential Southern California sorority members in experiencing the best recruitment possible and enable the maximum number of girls to become sorority members. Here is some information that may help you. Primary recruitment is the time during the academic year when events are held by each NPC sorority on a campus for the purpose of selecting new members. There are presently 26 international women’s-only social sororities that are NPC members in the United States and Canada. Where there are NPC sororities on a college or university campus, their collaborative organization is called a College Panhellenic Association (CPH). We suggest that students who take part in recruitment, known as Potential New Members (PNMs), acquaint themselves with each sorority’s preferences and/or requirements. For the most up-to-date information, go to your university's website and search "Greek Life." There you should find dates, registration forms, fees and other information you need to know before participating. See our Contacts pages for information on area colleges and universities. Sorority recruitment can be a wonderful experience—a time when you could first meet young women who will become friends for life. Please remember it is your experience--not your mother's, your friend’s or anyone else's. Do your research, keep an open mind and listen to your heart. The choice you have is unique to YOU…the campus, its organizations and the women you meet. Also know that sorority recruitment is a mutual selection process; you are interviewing people and groups as much as they are interviewing you. When you start researching, you will find a lot of information online. Recruitment is about meeting people, being yourself and seeing how you and sorority life fit together. Purchasing services, classes or programs is not necessary, required or encouraged. We hope you have a wonderful experience during sorority recruitment! For more information, go to the National Panhellenic Conference website, The Sorority Life website and/or any of the 26 NPC member websites. NPC Member Organizations
Alpha Chi Omega http://www.alphachiomega.org Alpha Delta Pi http://www.alphadeltapi.org Alpha Gamma Delta http://www.alphagammadelta.org Alpha Epsilon Phi http://www.aephi.org Alpha Omicron Pi http://www.alphaomicronpi.org Alpha Phi http://www.alphaphi.org Alpha Sigma Alpha http://www.alphasigmaalpha.org Alpha Sigma Tau http://www.alphasigmatau.org Alpha Xi Delta http://www.alphaxidelta.org Chi Omega http://www.chiomega.com Delta Delta Delta http://www.tridelta.org Delta Gamma http://www.deltagamma.org Delta Phi Epsilon http://www.dphie.org Delta Zeta http://www.deltazeta.org Gamma Phi Beta http://www.gammaphibeta.org Kappa Alpha Theta http://www.kappaalphatheta.org Kappa Delta http://www.kappadelta.org Kappa Kappa Gamma http://www.kappa.org Phi Sigma Sigma http://www.phisigmasigma.org Phi Mu http://www.phimu.org Pi Beta Phi http://www.pibetaphi.org Sigma Delta Tau http://www.sigmadeltatau.org Sigma Kappa http://www.sigmakappa.org Sigma Sigma Sigma http://www.sigmasigmasigma.org Theta Phi Alpha http://www.thetaphialpha.org Zeta Tau Alpha http://www.zetataualpha.org |
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendations are NOT REQUIRED for participation in the sorority recruitment process. A recommendation can serve to introduce you to the Greek System, and they are best when they come from someone who genuinely knows you--a friend, family member, educator, clergy or school counselor who is a Greek. A recommendation does not guarantee you a place in any group. Each sorority has its own policy regarding recommendations and we suggest you contact them to find out more. For general information on letters of recommendation, go to: the NPC website. If you do not know someone from one of the NPC groups at the school you will be attending, you may contact SCCAP at [email protected] for assistance. Your inquiry will be passed on to our SCCAP Alumnae Panhellenic chapters for consideration. Remember you are asking a favor. You may or may not be contacted by an alumna willing to write a recommendation for you. If you are contacted, please respond quickly and do not wait until just prior to any deadline date. Contacting SCCAP does not guarantee you will receive a reference or recommendation or be extended an invitation for membership. If you decide to email us, please provide the following information.